Easy Backyard Garden Designs. Purple and yellow are complementary colors that work together to make each color stand out, but any color pairing you love would work. We love the idea of using smaller, discreet pergolas as an entryway arch for the backyard or garden.
Stone Fire Pit from Old World Garden Farms.
A Cottage Garden's Colorful Planting Palette.
A well-designed, well-maintained front yard will create a great first impression for all who enter your home — including potential buyers. Incorporating pots into landscaping not only makes a yard more low-maintenance, but also more versatile. "We love to use pots, especially for clients who want color in different parts of the yard," says Peyton. "Plus, pots are easy to move around. A fresh green lawn, some plant beds along the edge of the fence, and some perfectly aligned trees for symmetry: this is what you get when you follow these simple backyard landscaping ideas on a budget.
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